
Deep Thoughts

Many people are unaware that exactly one year to the date prior to his passing, Brent was shot during an attempted carjacking. It has plagued our family with many questions and theories since it sounds like something out of a Final Destination movie.



News Article 1         News Article 2

Holiday Tree (December 2013)


Brent’s Holiday Tree is up on Canale Row.

This holiday season, we kindly ask friends and family members to write their cherished memories of Brent on his Legacy Guestbook so that his children can read and remember their father’s legacy for many years to come. 

Thank You & God Bless.

Two Year Anniversary (August 7, 2013)


It is hard to believe that two years have already gone by since Brent’s passing.

This tree was planted in the memory of Brent.



Second Year Blessing (July 27, 2013)

IMG_0201 Despite being extremely busy as the only priest at San Bruno Church, Father Michael was able to come out to the cemetery today to bless Brent in recognition of the upcoming second anniversary of his passing.

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Mother’s Day (May 12th 2013)


Happy Mother’s Day from Reina & Brent.  The arrangement ordered was supposed to be pink, but yet again, Brent had some behind the scenes influence and had the florist change the color to blue.









Happy 95th Birthday Grandma Tre (March 2013)


DSC_0877 March 24th was Grandma Tre’s 95th Birthday.  Coincidentally, in the flowers sent to Grandma Tre from Reina & Brent, the florist included a butterfly, which was not in the arrangement design online.  We like to think that was Brent’s unique touch.  😉

Valentine’s Day (February 2013)


Brent had countless valentines day wishes. We will always love and miss him.

Happy Birthday Brent (January 2013)

birthday2013January 12th will always be a humbling day as it is a yearly reminder that Brent will be 34 forever. Thank you to everyone that acknowledged it on his Legacy Guest Book.

Holiday Tree (December 2012)

2012treeAfter the success of last year’s holiday tree, we created a tree this year with butterflies from contributing family members and friends.

Visit from Texas (September 2012)

In September, a few of Brent’s close friends visited him at the cemetery.

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